You will need to obtain a version of UEFIPatch that runs on your operating system. In the file `romtools.py` there is a variable called `UEFIPATCH_LOCATION`. Please set this to the path (relative or absolute) of your UEFIPatch executable, which can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/releases). **Be sure to download version 0.28.0 and _NOT_ version A57 or A56 etc, these are from a separate codebase and do not yet support patching.** |
You will need to obtain a version of UEFIPatch that runs on your operating system. In the file `romtools.py` there is a variable called `UEFIPATCH_LOCATION`. Please set this to the path (relative or absolute) of your UEFIPatch executable, which can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/releases). **Be sure to download version 0.28.0 and _NOT_ version A57 or A56 etc, these are from a separate codebase and do not yet support patching.** |